Friday, May 4, 2007

Getting Ready for Trail Competition

The closer I get to the weekend of May 12-13, the more nervous I get since this is when I'll be participating in the Californio Ride at Lake Hughes sponsored by the National Trail Riding Conference. I believe that Max has the pysical stamina to make it, it's just all the various details to keep straight in respect to the competition.

First, there's the matter of gear. Since I'm going to be using an English saddle (no real alternative there), the only attachement points for bags are in the front. I can use a set of largish pommel bags but there's no provision for fitting water bottles. Or, I can use a smaller set of pommel bags but with two water bottles- the only problem here is that the bags are not very large.

Then, there's the whole matter of pulse and respiration and dealing with the judging. I've been given all manner of information on cooling the horse off, etc. but it's going to be tough to keep everything straight, especially since I'll also have to be dealing with Max and making sure he doesn't pull anything.

Not to mention, I have no clue how he'll act tied up all night- supposedly most horses are allright with it and Max hasn't tried to do any pull-backs recently but who knows? There's no real way to test this out beforehand, unless I want to camp out at the stable overnight, I suppose.

Well, I'm going to work Max this weekend and go for a ride with a friend who is also doing the trail ride for the first time so we'll see how that works out. Also, I'll practice tying up Max to the trailer for an extended period on both Saturday and Sunday and leave hay for him to munch on.

More later on this...

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