Often marginalized and minimized in today's politically correct world, Columbus Day is still significant in that it initiated the era of interaction between the Old and New World on a mass scale (as compared to the sporadic encounters prior to this). While in many respects events did not resolve in favor of the Native Americans, the event still occurred and it should be acknolwledged.
Celebrated? Why not? We celebrate a lot more dubious historical events. The key is that it led to the development of the modern world and for the most part, I believe it's been positive. As with all historical processes, there's going to be winners and losers and that's just the way it is. Deal with it.
Columbus' voyages represent a departure into the unknown and the opening of a new world- The New World. Columbus was an excellent sailor and the success of his voyages for the most part reflect this. As an administrator, Columbus was not so great and he was definately out of his element here and it shows.
Anyway, I will always acknowledge Columbus' achievements.
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