Sunday, July 20, 2008

Max the Cranky Horse

Did our weekly lesson today and boy was Max a complete jerk- he did not want to cooperate in various leg yields and the harder I tried, the more Max resisted (in his stubborn way). Basically he's fairly dull to my legs and we need to work more on focusing his attention on leg motions while at the same time keeping off of the reins/bit as much as possible.

It wasn't a complete loss as we were able to get some good moves on the forehand and I was able to finally get his cooperation. I'm going to have to do more leg work while planting the reins against the mane or saddle and not doing anything with them except to apply braking pressure.

Just using the legs is easier said than done, at least with Max, and sometimes it seems to work out fine and other times it's a major chore. Well, guess I have my work cut out for me...

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