Thursday, August 25, 2011

WWI Party at 94th Aero Squadron

Recently, my WWI living history group met for a dinner at the 94th Aero Squadron, a WWI Aviation-themed restaurant. This was a relatively informal event and while there were only a few members present, we still had an excellent time and the restaurant provided a wonderful setting. It also gave people the opportunity to wear their better uniforms, free from mud and dust of the trenches. :-)

Unfortunately, Max had to stay home... :-)

Group shot of the Great War Historical Society.

Me and my compadre Robert.

A couple shots of me in my officer's uniform. Don't get to wear it too often... :-)


Funder said...

Reenactment looks like so much fun... but then I start to think about how much I love things like zippers and velcro! Yall look awesome, especially the lady in blue - I love her hat.

Adam Lid said...

It can be a lot of fun although it sometimes can be a bit inconvenient. I have a pair of dragoon boots I still need to break in riding... :-)