Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On The Trail Last Night

With the days now so long, there are many opportunities to go trail riding during the week after work. Last night two friends and I went for a short ride, following the usual loop down the wash, up to the beginning of Hansen Dam and then return home the same way.

This was good opportunity for Max to trail ride with other horses since most of my trail riding has just been me riding alone. It's always a different matter riding in a group than when riding alone and often, horse feed off of each other and things can get a bit dicey.

Max's equine companions were a Tennessee Walker and a Standardbred so the pace was little faster than what Max is used to. Every so often I had to trot him a bit to keep up.

The only moment of drama was when a group of riders went galloping down a trail parallel to the one we were following. The Walker got a tad excited and was prancing around. Max didn't seem to take too much notice but I was still pretty vigilant- sometimes Max can get excited. Fortunately, Max was pretty calm.

The only time that Max got a bit excited was when a jogger with a Chihuahua (jogging with a Chihuahua- go figure!) came running up on us from behind- Max sometimes gets a bt nervious when things come up on him from the rear. I spun Max around to see the jogger and he immediately calmed down. It also helps when you can get the jogger to talk- then the horse classifies the jogger as "human" therefore OK.

It was a good training opportunity and was a welcome break from the usual stuff.

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