Monday, March 9, 2009

Riding Through Shadow Hills

Yesterday, Max and I did something a little different from the usual by riding through Shadow Hills. OK, now that may sound a tad boring and "so what?" but it was an interesting step for Max since he hasn't had a lot of experience riding in a residential neighborhood. Sure, we've ridden up and down Orcas Avenue many times but that's just one route and not for a long distance.

After our usual Sunday lesson, it was such a beautiful day (cool, sunny, just a few clouds) that I decided to go for a short ride around Gabriellano Park. I had made most of the circuit when I encountered some friends of mine riding the opposite direction (one of them boards their horse at a place in Shadow Hills and everyone was accompanying her home just for the fun of it). I joined them and soon we'd crossed under Wentworth Avenue by way of a tunnel that runs underneath Wentworth.

We then followed a fireroad leading over a set of hills behind East Valley Feed and Tack. We then threaded our way through a number of bridal paths that follow the local streets. It's real neat to see that horses have been integrated into the neighborhood with the bridal paths that take the place of formal concrete sidewalks. It's definately easier on the horses and a lot safer than riding out in the street. However, at the same time you still have to be careful because of all the various sorts of noises and activity going on the various backyards. Max is usually pretty good but he definately was taking the whole scene in and was very aware of his surroundings.

We eventually followed a loop that took us along Stonehurst Avenue and past East Valley Feed and Tack. What was especially neat was that about a year or two ago, I'd helped install some of the bridal paths along Stonehurst Avenue (my arms were sore for days!) and now I got to utilize my handiwork. I usually don't ride over this way so I never though I'd actually be riding Max on the paths. Cool!

We made our way through the tunnel under Wentworth Avenue and made our way home. Max was definately up for going home and it was overall a nice ride except for the idiot rental riders and other clueless people we encountered going down the path leading towards Gabriellano Park. To be expected for a nice Sunday, I guess.

Overall, still a good day.

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