Thursday, September 2, 2010

Catching Up

OK, it's really been a LONG time since I've blogged. The reasons? Life in general and simply a lack of motivation...I go through those phases sometimes...

It also didn't help that I lost the month of June and was unable to ride due to a cracked rib that I sustained when Max shied out from underneath me while I was doing a school program. It was pretty embarassing in that he was being so good and then out of the blue...actually it was because my haversack was too long and it got caught between the saddle and my leg when I mounted him. I stoop up in the stirrups, leaned over to the right to free the haversack when he swept out from underneath me and launched me to the ground. Needless to say, I didn't have any balance whatsoever and I wasn't expecting him to do that. The kids thought it was an act so I had to immediately remount and gallop (yes, GALLOP) the horse around the athletic field a few times. It's amazing what adreniline will do for you. Did I also mention that I then rode home, unsaddled Max, fed Max and then went out to Pierce College to take a final for a class. It was only afterwards that I decided to have it checked out at the hospital.

The end result was that I had a cracked rib and that I wasn't supposed to ride for 6 to 8 weeks. Right, try telling that to a horse person! Anyway, I was riding by early July but it really depressed me. Anyway, enough of the doom and gloom.

So now to catch up...I'm going to be filling in some stuff and part of it is probably going to be backdated a bit just to even things out a bit.

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