Monday, May 4, 2009

Max at Anza - Viva Max!

Last weekend Max made his debut in his first full-scale battle reenactment and he passed with flying colors. The particular event was a Napoleonic Era reenactment event (probably the only Napoleonic Era reenactment event west of the Mississippi) and it's set in Spain, circa 1808-13. My particular impression is loosely based on a Spanish guerilla and there were a lot of them on horse and on foot who harassed Napoleon's troops and otherwise made the their lives miserable.

Here's some pictures from the event. I'll have some commentary soon...

Me in my Spanish Guerilla impression. It's more of an "Old West" look but that's all I have at this time.

Looking to skewer some French soldiers...


Charging! The sandy wash made the perfect surface for charges although it was a bit deep in places.

Charging with lance down. I really should have couched it...

Preparing to engage in action- at this point I was one of the "French" side. We only had six riders so we tried to evenly divide them between the Anglo-Spanish and French forces.

Trotting along...

The battle begins...this was one of the earlier battles and I was holding Max out of the main action. Later it was a different matter! :-)

Waiting with the Spanish guerillas on foot.

Scouting things out...

Manuevering with my compadres. Thank god for the stampede string- it kept me from losing my hat on several occassions.

Resting up after a long day of riding.

Max resting up after a hard day.


Funder said...

That's totally cool. Great pictures!

Adam Lid said...

Thanks! Hopefully I'll have some more soon. :-)