Friday, April 13, 2007

As The Wind Blows....

Yesterday I had to stay home to meet with the plumber to look at our waterheater (I'll save that wonderful story for another time). After the plumber had come and gone, I decided to head to the stables to get in some saddletime with Max.

In the course of getting ready to leave my house, I noticed that the wind had begun to kick up a bit. No problem, it happens all the time and usually it's not the same at the stables. I do not like to ride when it's windy because it tends to get the horses buzzed up and they're a bit more excitable, especially when stuff starts flying around. Overall, it's a big pain.

When I arrived at the stables, it was another story- it was a windstorm and of such a magnitude that dust was blowing in clouds and stuff was flying all over. I checked up on Max- he was fine and just observing everything with his herd buddies.

I quickly concluded that it was way too hazardous to ride and even turning him out wasn't a good idea. The wind was blowing dust so hard that I had to slip a bandana over most of my face, leaving just enough room for my sunglasses. I wish I'd brought the dust goggles I used in Columbus along with me.

I hung around long enough to give Max some A&M and Omoline (he was definately up for that, wind or no wind) and then left. It turns out that there was a wind advisory for most of Los Angeles County until 10 PM and it warned of potentially hazardous conditions on the road.

Yesterday was almost a complete loss- I couldn't ride and I couldn't work in the garage (I was going to get some things together for the Bakersfield timeline event). Worse, I was covered in dust and my entire body was gritty and dirty- a nice hot shower fixed that, however.

Hopefully tommorow will be much better- the weather is way too nice otherwise to waste it staying indoors! Let's hope for a let-up in the wind...

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