Monday, April 16, 2007

More Wind...

The wacky Southern California weather still continues...This last weekend, the wind kicked up again. On Saturday, the wind wasn't too bad at first and I decided to ride one of my usual loops (down the wash, accross the river, make a circuit to the east, recross the river and wind up at the Orcas Arena).

However, as I rode, the wind began to pick up a bit and by the time I was closing in on the Orcas Arena, it there was a strong breeze. Max definately began to perk up and I was carefully watching his body language. Right outside the arena, someone had ponied a few horses and one of them was giving trouble- like in rearing and otherwise carrying on like an idiot. At this point, I decided that I wasn't going to give Max another stimulus so I decided to reverse my direction and head back to the stable by an alternate route (a somewhat lazy route).

Things worked out OK but I could definately sense that it was going to be one of those days where the horses are getting buzzed from the wind (it was a cool wind) and then feed off of each other. It can get pretty dicey sometimes with this.

When I got back to the stable, I met up with one of my compadres and his horse The Mare and proceeded to do some laps around the track. The Mare hasn't gotten out much lately so she was a bit on the edgy side (like all typical Thoroughbreds it would seem...). We completed about 9 laps (roughly 3 miles ) at various gaits including the canter. The canter was the most "interesting" in that Max definately wanted to keep up with the Mare and he wasn't in a mood to listen to me- it took some work to get his attention.

Sunday was lesson day and when I first mounted up at about 8:30 AM, it was still and calm- a beautiful day. However, as I proceeeded to warm up Max, it became increasingly cloudy, cold, and windy. The lesson begain well but the wind began to pick up more. Then Max decided that he didn't want to do things my way and that it was more fun to call out to his horse buddies and carry on like an idiot so he began to fight me on some of the cantering manuevers I was doing, to include bucking and trying to back up.

I managed to settle him and get him re-focused but it was a constant struggle. We managed to complete what we set out to do but it was a real pain. I hate it when Max gets this way.

One thing for sure is that I need to work on my reining more and keep my left hand from crossing the whithers to the right side. I also need to work on my seat position on Max and focusing his attention.

It's not always wise to pick a fight with your horse and you have to choose your fights- the best way to deal with Max's tantrums is to ride it out and make him so simple things until his focus returns. When he gets buzzed up, he's not listening and he then tends to really blow up- the trick it to bring him down and then make him work.

It was definately work and I'm sore today because of it! We'll see about tonight...

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