Friday, January 23, 2009

Superpowers at War (Cont.)

I've now played through Game Turns 3 and 4 and the Soviets have now pushed their way past the Rhine and are now clsoing in on the Dutch and Belgian borders. While the Soviets have managed to destroy a large number of the NATO units, I've been able to bring back a lot of them through the replacement rules (for every two units killed, you can bring back one of them while the other goes into the dead pile).

The Soviets were especially able to make headway when they rolled favorably for initiative in the Second phase and were basically able to take two moves, back-to-back. This allowed the Soviets to create a series of pockets and further dislocate the NATO defenses. At present, elements of the French III Corps are rushing to reinforce the center of the NATO defenses while the Dutch 304th Territorial Brigade is setting up a back-up defense line in front of Venlo.

So far, NATO had held off landing elements of the 82nd Airborne Division and the Blegian Speciail Forces Brigade. The Soviets have held off dropping the 103rd Airborne Division due to not having air superority. Interesting enough, airpower really hasn't helped one side or the other in this game nor have chemical attacks.

More soon.

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