Monday, January 26, 2009

Superpowers at War (Cont.)

This weekend, when I wasn't riding Max, I played through Game Turn 5 of Superpowers at War. As things stand, the Soviets continue to grind up NATO units at an alarming rate although the replacement rate goes a long way in mitigating things. Also, the French III Corps entered the board and I was able to bolster the NATO line while falling back. The Soviets also were forced to divert two divisions worth of batallions (this is a batallion scale game) to garrison the various objective City hexes that the Soviets had overrun (or else they don't get the victory points).

It's been a brutal grind for NATO but their line is still intact although I haven't really found an opportunity for an effective counter-attack yet. At the same time, the Soviet advance is finding itself funned into the center, away from the Southern flank due to the rough terrain extending towards Liege. If the Soviets are going to take Liege, it's going to have to be in flanking movement from the center.

I'm beginning to get the hang of the combat chart and the initiative process- with the use of the initiative points and lucky die rolls, either side and deliver a hammering blow if done right. The trick is working out the right method.

More later.


MarkS. said...

Time to consider tactical nukes.


Adam Lid said...

I considered it but decided to not use the nuke rules to see if NATO could hold the line conventionally.