Sunday, April 12, 2009

Max in the Movies

Here are some pictures from the movie shoot that Max and I worked out at Corriganville Park in Simi:

Me portraying British Cavalry somewhere on the Northwest Frontier of India circa 1830s. Actually the uniform is more appropriate to the 1850s...

Moving up to the "set"

Coming out of the fight- Max wasn't too sure about this...

Max's big stunt- off to the left, there's a 10-foot drop-off. Try doing this at a canter- not as easy as it looks.

One of the bandits.

The bandit swoops down on the Colonel's daughter...

Some of the Indians portraying Sikhs.


driftingfocus said...

Wow! Very cool!

Adam Lid said...

Thanks! I'll hopefully have some commentary soon. :-)