Friday, December 11, 2009

Out & About On Max

Last night I was finally able to get out to the stables to check up on Max. I needn't have worried... :-) Max was covered in mud and greeted me with a nicker that seemed to indicate "about time you showed up- where's my treat?!"

Since the ground had dried out (somewhat) and things weren't too swampy, I decided to saddle up and ride. What was interesting was that although nights have been running pretty cold where I am, it wasn't that cold although there was plenty of cloud cover.

We didnt' do anything remarkable, mostly walking and trotting around the track with a friend of mine. We basically did the sitting trot with some intermittant walking. It was good exercise- not too much where Max was going to be sweaty (and taken more time to cool down) and just enough to engage all the leg muscles. Also, mentally Max needs to be more attuned to working at the sustained trot in avariety of speeds so this is good training- life isn't all about cantering everywhere we go (plus the footing was probably a bit too muddy).

It's funny but when riding with someone else, it seems that the time flies by. By the time we were done, an hour and a half had passed by. INteresting...:-) We ended with the usual and customary special mix bucket and I made sure that Max had his rain blanket on- more rains was on the way.

Hopefully the rains won't mess up the weekend riding schedule too bad. Oh well, it could be worse- we could have snow! :-)

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