Friday, January 8, 2010

Making the Jump...

One thing I forgot to mention from my last Saturday's trail ride is that while trotting along, at one point we encountered a log about 2 foot tall lying accross the trail. Now we could have easily stepped over the log at a walk but instead, we all decided (quite quickly) to jump over it.
I was at the back of the line so I had plenty of opportunity to prepare for it. I've jumped cavalettis before so this wasn't new but still, in a trail situation one has to be careful.

I spurred Max forward, firmly put myself into a two-point seat, and gave Max his head. I was expecting Max's usual way of "jumping", which is pretty much of a small hop. Well, much to my surprise, Max dug in deep and LAUNCHED himself over the log- the amount of power was amazing and it took me a bit by surprise. When Max landed on the other side, he speed up into a canter so I had to slow him down quickly (with no issues).

I was amazed and it was a bit of a rush- I've never seen him display that kind of power off his hindquarters. While I haven't done much formal jumping (and what I've done is pretty wimpy) and Max is not a "jumper" in the formal way, it was pretty cool and perhaps I'll pursue this in the future. :-)


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