Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Max in the Movies Again

As a follow-on to the the film work we did back last May, some friends and I were called upon to do perform in the some pick-up shots for a trailer that an aspiring director is filming so he can get financing for the larger picture. I can't really give more specifics than that due to a non-disclosure agreement.

Unlike the last time which involved a large group involved in various fights et al., this involved three riders and we were supposed to be highwaymen/baddies/no-goodnicks racing down a trail. We filmed this close to Gabriellano Park along a trail that I've ridden many times- it's covered by trees. The perfect setting for a chase. It's kind of reminiscent of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and I was half-expecting Christopher Walken to pop out from behind a tree and pursue us on horseback.

I was dressed up in pseudo-18th Century clothes complete with a wig that gave me stringy long hair (I sort of looked like either a roadie in a rock band or pirate, take your pick). It was pretty amusing.

Max and I basically performed in a number of scenes where we're cantering down the forest trail. Max was with horses he's very familiar with and naturally he was a bit excited. Overall, Max was manageable although on several occassions we had to have a discussion on what's acceptable. We were out filming for about three hours and has time passed, Max was definately buzzed up to the point where I'd have to circle him several times before springing into the canter- basically a moving start. After the take, I'd walk Max around to calm him down.

Max was a lot better than when we last filmed in May and hopefully he'll be even better in the future. Although the film shoot wasn't that long, Max definately got a workout so a rest was in order. Naturally, Max got a nice bucket of Omolene and A&M after we got back to the stables. :-)

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