Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post Valentine's Day...

Well, I managed to survive Valentine's Day with sanity and wallet somewhat intact. Max had to content himself with an Alfalfa smoothie...:-)

It's funny how a holiday has developed into an industry although the origins of the "hoiliday" are dubious at best- although there were at lest three cited martyrs with the name "Valentine" (or Valentinus), there's no connection to romantic love.

Well, in any event I just regard it as an excuse to express love/affection towards the significant ones around you. As for the roses/candy thing...well, I leave that to others. :-)


Funder said...

Apparently it's Chaucer's fault! My husband got me a Dr. Who nerd shirt - that's about as commercial as we get :)

Adam Lid said...

I wonder if Chaucer was getting kick-backs from Hallmark... :-)

We wound up going to dinner with my Mom which was pretty cool- she doesn't get out a lot since my Dad died.

If I need roses, I take some from my backyard- there's usually a ton of them growing out there. :-)