Saturday, February 5, 2011

Practice Practice Practice...

Today Max and I did our customary drill team practice with the Warhorse. Max was in fine form and it appears that the Pelham bit is working out very well.

We did our "usual" program of group formation drills, both at extended distances between the horses and side-by-side. One of the more interesting formations we do is the diamond which is created by traveling at the oblique (either right or left). The one think though, is that you have to pay attention to the other riders and constantly adjust your position in order to keep proper alignment (of all the horses were exactly the same size and had the same stride, this would be easier).

We ended by cantering in line and for Max, I think this his most favorite part of the whole program. His best position in line is usually towards the inside because he's a slower horse and he does the best here so this is where I rode him. Today, Max was a lot more attentive than ususal and the canter departures were smotth with no excited bucks- nice for a change! :-) What's really neat is that it's easy to slow him down on the corners by collecting him, thus maintaining the energy level so he can then speed up very quickly going into the straitaways.

Couldn't ask for better weather and after about three hours, both of us were definitely ready for a long break. :-)

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