Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monday Night Riding

Last night found me at the stable once again but I was really dragging. Mondays are always a drag for me- I'm usually tired and run-down and don't feel like doing much. So Max and I didn't do a whole lot. We did a little trotting and cantering but mostly we wandered in the usual loop down the wash and around the Equestrian Center.

However, contrary to past practice, I forced Max into the canter after we'd passed under the 210 freeeway bridge. Normally, the fastest I go is in a trot from the bridge to the river crossing but I'm looking to add something new and I feel a bit more confident about my riding. When I first got Max, I used to try cantering everywhere but after getting dumped a few times, I stopped doing it it- loss of confidence or whatever.

Naturally, three years ago, I didn't know what the hell I was doing and I've gotten a little better since then and my seat had improved so now I'm beginning to try new stuff with Max.

The cantering went well and I then dropped into the walk while riding down and up to cross the lower wash. This was followed by looping around the Equestrian Center and down the back between the Equestrian Center and the Nursery.

Overall, not bad and I think we've reached some new milestone in our riding (both Max and I!).

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