Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Heading Out to Bear Valley Springs

Well, this weekend will find Max and I on the road again and this time, we're going to Bear Valley Springs. Located just west of Tehachapi, Bear Valley Springs is a gated community that's about 4,000 to 5,000 in elevation with a mix of pine forest and grasslands. There are various trails suitable for riding and the weather should be in mid-70s during the day and in the mid-40s at night. There's more information HERE.

We'll be leaving mid-day Friday and should be back on Sunday. This is the perfect opportunity to try out my Western saddle and really put it through it's paces. I had to borrow a breast collar since my Civil War one doesn't fit with the Western saddle.

We'll be staying at the Bear Valley Equestrian Center and there will be pipe corrals available for boarding (no worries about having to tie up to the trailer). The weather promises to be clear but it would still be a good idea to bring a horseblanket.

This trip has some personal meaning for me because a good friend of mine, Jerry Gold, used to live here before he died in 2001. I wasn't into horses then but I'm sure Jerry would approve and probably get a chuckle from my antics. He had a horse and small wagon that he'd use to get around the valley and he used to take it out to Civil War events. I first met Jerry at a Civil War event at Ft. Tejon back in 1994. In a way I want this trip to be a small tribute to him- at least on a very personal level. I was last up this way in 2001 for his funeral. His last request was to have his ashes scattered at several high points overlooking Bear Valley.

Anyway, this ought to be interesting and I'm looking forward to going on a new adventure with Max. Jerry, this one's for you!!!

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