Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hot! Hot! Hot! Or My Labor Weekend...

I'm recovering after a long, very hot Labor Day Weekend and slowly re-hydrating. The temperatures have been in excess of 100 degrees (thank god the air conditioner got fixed!) and the air conditioner at home has been struggling to keep up. I shudder to think what my electric bill will be like!

Anyway, things began to warm up last week and most of my riding has consisted of doing various exercises designed to loosen up my muscles and improve my balance and overall seat. Also, I've been taking Max through a mixed program- working on left-lead cantering, transitions, side-passes and overall conditioning.

When the weekend arrived, so did the 100-plus degree weather. I only had to work a half-day Friday so I thought I'd get in some saddle time. However, when I got home, the heat was intense and I figured it would be the same way at the stable so I decided to wait until early evening when things had cooled down. At about 6:30 I saddled up Max and we rode over to the Orcas Arena. I kept Max at a steady trot and then we did some cantering in the arena. We then made our way home at a leisurely walk. Overall, pretty decent.

Saturday found Max and I going on a trail ride following a trail that runs behind Hansen Dam, next to the golf course. Everything went pretty well and the only drama was when we were crossing a bridge and a golf cart came up on us suddenly. We managed to "vanquish the killer golf cart" and proceed with no problems. By the time we arrived back at the stables (it was 11 AM), it was beginning to really heat up so I rewarded Max with a cold shower.

Unfortunately, I also discovered that he's beginning to develop another sore spot on his back- it might have been brought on by the extreme heat combined with the saddle or just the saddle. I'm not sure so I'll be giving Max some days off to rest his back. Also, with the heat, it's just not worth riding him that much. The heat is supposed to back off soon so there' s no hurry. Also, he's had prior saddle problems in the same area so I'm going to have look into this problem in more detail.

It seems that for two years runnning, Labor Day Weekend has been a bad time for Max. It was just as hot last year and at that time I really messed up his back from a combination of a bad saddle and a neoprine saddle back. We got through it but it left some ugly marks on his shoulders and back.

Sunday and Monday found me riding my trainer's horse Blondie, a 13 year old Standardbred mare, and boy is she a contrast to Max! She definately moves out but she can get cranky about doing things, especially when I asked for the canter. I eventually got it but it was a real challenge and I have to deal with her a bit differently than with Max- apparently you can't bully mares in the same way you can with geldings. You have to use a bit of finesse but in the end, we were riding very nicely.

My trainer will pretty much let me ride Blondie anytime (unless she's being used for lessons which hasn't been happening lately) so it's a good back-up while Max rests up. Definately an interesting challenge.

More later...

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