Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's Windy (or Look, Max is Flying!)

Well, it appears that the Santa Ana winds have shown up with a vengeance again. As I got up this morning, I noticed it was blowing pretty fierce and there was the usual pile of leaves and tree branched in the backyard. As I stepped out of the house, I felt the wind- warm. This isn't going to be good...when I got to the stables, the wind was blowing full force to include large clouds of dust. Naturally, none of this bothered Max one bit- he had his head buried in the feeder as usual and was enjoying his early morning alfalfa cubes.

Normally I take a lesson on Sundays but with the wind I was beginning to have doubts. After a call to my trainer, I confirmed that the lesson was off. Good thing- I wasn't really in the mood to ride in the wind and it's just no fun (not to mention the potential for spooking). It's been a dry fall and the weather just can't seem to make the transition to Fall around here.
Looks like Max got himself a day off!

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