Friday, October 5, 2007

Max on Convalescent Leave

Well, after out adventure in Bear Valley, it's obvious that Max is going to need some time to heal up from the sore created by the Western saddle. The sore is on top of the withers and suggests that the top of the saddle in the front was exerting pressure- probably from the tree being too tight.

The problem is I can't even use my English saddle (which I KNOW was working fine in this area) because of the rubbing action as the saddle flexes. I tried it two days after returning home and it was definately a BAD idea.

So it looks like I'll have to give Max some time off. In the scheme of things, it's relatively minor but it needs to be done. I'll have to make arrangements to ride Blondie and I can lunge Max and walk him.

I also need to condsider walking and running more to build up my cardiovascular stamina- the Bear Valley ride really kicked my ass and revealed just how out of shape I am.

Well, Max gets a "vacation" and I'm going to have to work with Blondie and/or ride any other horse I can.

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