Monday, December 10, 2007

The Weekend

Sunday was nice and clear so after our lesson, Max and I went for a leisurely ride around the lake in the Hansen Dam Basin. It actually warmed up quite a bit and Max was pretty much asleep on the trail.

Later, my wife showed up at the stable and we went on another trail ride only this time she was riding Max and I rode a horse named "Blue" who belongs to one of the people that board at the stables.

Blue is an interesting horse- for a Standardbred ex-racehorse, he's the laziest horse I've ever come accross, even lazier than Max (if that's possible). The funny thing also is that while he's a Standardbred, he really doesn't ride like on (too much)- it's more like riding a giant couch. Blue stands about 16-1 hands and he's mostly black with some brown around the muzzle.

He's not the easiest to get to trot or canter but once you do, it's a nice smooth ride. He even paces a little. He's quite a powerhouse once you get him going.

Between riding Max, Blue and Kisses (I worked her a little), I'd been in the saddle for about seven hours and am I sore!

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