Saturday, March 15, 2008

Riding Through Hail

Not a play on words, it really happened!

It's been a crappy week at work and the threat of layoffs didn't help any. And to top things off, I wasted the entire morning trying to get my DSL connection re-established on a new phone line and dealing with idiots somewhere off in India whose knowledge of the English language is questionable.

So by about 2 PM I'd had enough so I decided to check up on Max. The weather in the morning had been sunny with a little brisk wind. When I got to the stables, it was a different matter. It was blowing pretty fierce and it appeared that a storm front was moving in. I turned out Max in the arena but it was cut short when the storm finally arrived. Great, and I didn't even bring a rain coat or hat. It was definately coming down in buckets.

15 minutes later, the deluge stopped and it cleared up again, almost by magic the sun was back out and it was actually getting a bit warm. At this point, a couple of my stablematers asked me if I wanted to go on a trail ride. I said sure, but I'd have to keep to soft surfaces so we decided to go out along the Hansen Dam Lake.

I could tell from Max's attitude that he definately wanted to get out and he made it a bit difficult taking up. I finally did it and we headed out. Max seemed to move just fine and we even trotted a couple of short segments.

We headed down the wash and towards the river crossing when we noticed another storm front moving in. At this point, we decided to head back since none of us had any rain gear. Naturally the rising wind, clouds, and our heading back to the stables ot everyone buzzed up including Max. I figured if we had to trot, Max was going to want to trot and I wouldn't be able to hold him back (and if he reinjured his foot, oh well).

We made it almost to the path under the 210 Freeway and Foothill Blvd. before the storm broke and did it break! At first it seemed weird that nobody was getting we until I noticed that it was hail bouncing off of us and the horses. Max was definately annoyed by this time. Then it turned to rain, accompanied by some thunder and lightening. Great...(I had visions of lightening strike).

As things turned out, we made it back somewhat soggy (especially on the windwards side where the storm was coming from) and we completed the last leg at the trot (I know, it's not recommended to trot back to the barn but there's an exception to every rule).

I quickly got his saddle and bridle off and got him in his stall and then fixed up his bucket, all the while dashing through the rain.

While we had to end the ride a bit early and we both got hosed pretty bad, Max did not appear to have any issues with his legs and he was quite energenic. I was definately happy and glad to have him back. I'm going to have to be careful though and ride him in areas with soft footing.

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